Sunday, February 27, 2005

Feed me

Milo, our forlorn looking pup.

He doesn't usuually look this sad - I think he thought that the camera was magically made of beef and I might feed it to him. Anyway Milo is a year-old Pugalier. That's right - you heard me...a Pugalier. Cross between a Pug and a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. He's a great boy - but still in that manic annoying destructive puppy phase. Anyway, we love him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Today the Scylla, Tomorrow the Charybdes

The Field of Mars, RYDE

This is the view off my back deck. Unbelievably, the view the other way is of a bus depot. I'm looking North as I took this photo - hence the name of my blog. I was going to call it "fieldofmars", but that was taken.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I'll be back

Hope to see you soon.